Modular construction
Luxiero Homes builds prefabricated structural steel based modular homes that are 95% complete when transported to the building site. The result is a beautiful, high performing, healthy, green home built to comply with, or exceed, all the same standards that apply to site-built buildings.
Modular construction is a process in which a building is constructed off-site, under controlled factory conditions, using the same materials and designing to the same codes and standards as conventionally built facilities – but in about half the time. Buildings are produced in modules that when put together on site, reflect the identical design intent and specifications of the most sophisticated site-built facility. Modular construction refers to volumetric or three-dimensional “volumes or rooms”, rather than prefabricated mechanical systems, kitchen/bathroom pods or wall assemblies.
Structurally, modular buildings are generally stronger than conventional construction because each module is engineered to independently withstand the rigors of transportation and craning onto foundations. Once together and sealed, the modules become one permanent integrated wall, floor and roof assembly. Building off site ensures better construction quality management. Materials that are delivered to our factory are safely and securely stored to prevent damage or deterioration from moisture and the elements. Moreover, we employ stringent quality assurance and quality control programs with independent inspection and testing protocols that promote superior quality of construction every step of the way.
Cold-formed Lightweight structural steel
In building construction, there are primarily two types of structural steel: hot-rolled steel shapes and cold-formed steel shapes. The hot-rolled steel shapes are formed at elevated temperatures while the cold-formed steel shapes are formed at room temperature. Cold-formed steel structural members are shapes commonly manufactured from steel plate, sheet or strip material. The manufacturing process involves forming the material by either press-braking or cold roll-forming to achieve the desired shape. Examples of cold-formed steel are corrugated steel roof and floor decks, steel wall panels, storage racks and steel wall studs.
Cold-formed shapes can be used for entire buildings and for complete roof, floor and wall systems. They can also be used as individual framing members such as studs, joists and truss members. From a structural standpoint, the cold-formed steel can serve as both primary and secondary structures. An example of cold-formed steel used as primary structure is the steel stud load-bearing wall. Steel studs providing the lateral support to exterior wall finish are usually secondary structures, since they rely on the primary structure for support.
The fire resistance of steel provides an additional level of safety to structural frames in high density communities and arid climates prone to wildfires. Further, the ductility of cold-formed steel satisfies criteria for seismic and high wind designs.
Luxiero Homes takes advantage of the flexibility of cold-formed structural steel in detailing and for adapting to architectural requirements in our building projects. Further, light steel framing systems allow ease of construction and adaptability to sometimes unforeseen site conditions. Steel cladding and roofing also allows simplicity in its detailing and installations while providing simple elegant clean façades.